
«Οίκαδε» (Oikade / í•ka•de) is a brief guide to the Modern history of Greece, highlighting its most important events of the 20th and 21st century. 93 years of history are presented in 5 books and 93 illustrations, inspired by the “unseen” Greece: Traumatizing and critical events that shaped the contemporary Greek society, political leaders and socioeconomic crises that changed the course of history itself, one way or another.
The political posters are mainly symbolic, conveying different emotions and ideas in relation to the events for the viewer to apprehend. This project was the result of my Master Thesis in Middlesex University, inspired by the chronic economic crisis that has been agonizing for the country and the people’s oblivion to past traumatizing and important events that led up to this point.The project attempts to reintroduce history to the general public, in order to make history more interesting and relatable through the illustrations and the literary style of narration. “Oikade” targets the citizens of Greece, and everyone interested in learning the story, the known and the unknown aspects, of a small country with vast history.
The project received the Gold Award in the 2019 Young Designers contest, and is available at selected bookstores.
Chapter 5 | 1974 - 2015

Metapolitefsi and the world of today
Linear narrative
Metapolitefsi / Karamanlis’ Era: The “New” Democracy / The 17 November Group / Accession to the European Community / Papandreou’s Era: The Season of the Tie / The rise of the bipartisan period / Economy and Economic Crises / Fire & Flood / The end of the Cold War / Democracy and Corruption / The Macedonian issue / Eksynchronismos / The Imia incident of ’96 / The Ocalan Fiasco in Nairobi / The Kosovo War / The 1999 Athens earthquake / The 1999 stock market crash case / New Millennium / The Identity card crisis / Arrest of 17 November / Adoption of the Euro currency / The Olympics of 2004 / The New Karamanlis / Siemens Scandal and more / The Financial Crisis of 2008 / December of 2008 / The Memorandum / Referendum 2015 / Final Review and Afterword / Biographies [A. Papandreou – K. Karamanlis Jr. – C. Simitis – K. Mitsotakis]
The successful restoration of Democracy heals the two great national schisms and brings the country to a new era. Greece moves forward as the cold war comes to a close, the european union establishes a international unity as we come closer to the world of today. This trajectory cuts abruptly as the 2008 economical crisis breaks through. The country is but a prisoner of a worldwide recession.